Jan Zimmermann, PhD | Principal Investigator

Dr. Zimmermann completed his PhD in the Marie Curie Graduate School of NeuroPhysics at Maastricht University under the supervision of Rainer Goebel. He then went on to New York University where he worked with Paul Glimcher and Kenway Louie at the Center for Neural Science.

At UMN, Dr. Zimmermann runs the Z-Lab which broadly studies decision making in non human primates.

Praneet Bala, MSc | Graduate Student (Computer Science)

Praneet Bala is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and works on machine vision and deep learning problems related to pose estimation of non human primates in our free ranging enclosure. Praneet is also working on gaze estimation from multi camera systems.

Ana Manea, MSc | Graduate Student (Neuroscience)

Ana joins us from Romania via the Netherlands and she is very happy about the fact that the sun actually shines in Minnesota. Ana is currently working on the neural representations  of timescales as well as their relationship to connectomic gradients. 

Steve Jungst, MSc | RF-Engineer (CMRR)

Steve is an experienced radio-frequency engineer who works on building next generation RF transmitters and receivers for use with non human primates. He is also a CAD wizard !

Gabriela Delgado, BSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Gabriela is a researcher and the lab manager and works on a multitude of things including data analysis. Gabriela did her undergrad at UMN in Neuroscience and Economics so she is a perfect fit for our decision making efforts.

Tait Erickson, BSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Tait is a researcher in the Z-Lab and is just getting started. Tait did his undergrad at Gustavus where he investigated the perils of social media use.

Harry Tran, PhD | Researcher (Biomedical Engineering)

Harry did his PhD in France and then joined Alex Opitz lab at UMN and is now collaborating with us on understanding the effects of transcranial electric current stimulation over large cortical extends in non human primates.

Nubia Silva, MSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Nubia is a researcher in the lab and a trained brazilian veterinarian. She has experience with all sorts of animal models and manages our marmoset colony as well as works on our histology efforts.

M Mohiuddin Khan Shourav, PhD | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Mohiuddin did his PhD in South Korea and then transitioned to Hopkins for a postdoc. Now at UMN he is building mesoscale light sheet microscopes for us to follow single axonal pathways in the macaque and one day human brain.

Michael Hochstein, BSc | Graduate Student (Neuroscience)

Michael joins us after having worked on addiction models in rodents previously and having realized that NHP work is actually really exciting. In the lab he is working on decision making problems of higher cognition.

We are hiring !!! This could be you ! 

We are looking for highly motivated graduate students and postdocs with a background in neuroscience, psychology, physics, math, computer science or related field with an interest in neuroscience and decision making. Contact us!

We also accept undergraduate researchers.


Sarah Heilbronner, PhD | Associate Professor (Baylor College of Medicine)

Sarah Heilbronner is the master of Physiology and Anatomy, structural and functional.


Benjamin Hayden, PhD | Professor (Baylor College of Medicine)

Benjamin Hayden specializes on electrophysiology in non human primates with a particular interest in decision making and foraging behavior. 



Indirah Conover, BSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Indirah Conover was a researcher in the Z-Lab and went on to Brown University to pursue her graduate school career.

Brenna Knaebe, PhD | Anesthesia technician (Neuroscience)

Brenna Knaebe was a research technician in the Z-Lab.

Claudia Weiss, BSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Claudia Weiss was a research technician in the Z-Lab and is now working on Parkinsons models of NHP.

Jeremiah Morrow, PhD | Postdoc (Neuroscience)

Jeremiah Morrow was a Postdoc in the Z-Lab working on social neuroscience questions in freely moving macaques.

Steven Hoffman, PhD | Postdoc (Neuroscience)

Steven Hoffman was a Postdoc in the Z-Lab working on network scale neurophysiology.

David Maisson, PhD | Graduate Student (Neuroscience)

David Maisson was a graduate student in the lab working on navigational codes and choise experiments in freely moving NHP. He is now a data scientists in NYC.

Benjamin Voloh, PhD | Postdoc (Neuroscience)

Benjamin Voloh was a Postdoc in the Z-Lab working on ephys in freely moving NHP. Now he is a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group.

Mrunal Zambre, BSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Mrunal Zambre was a researcher in the Z-Lab. Currently she is a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh.

Jen Holmberg, BSc | Researcher (Neuroscience)

Jen Holmberg was a researcher in the Z-Lab. Now she is a graduate student at UC Berkeley. 

Eliezer Mishulovin | Undergraduate Researcher (Neuroscience)

Eliezer Mishulovin was an undergraduate researcher in the Z-Lab. Now he is a software engineer and data analyst in New York.

Afra Suri | Undergraduate Researcher (Neuroscience)

Afra was an undergraduate researcher in the Z-Lab. Currently she is in veterinary school at UMN.